10 events found.
P.M. Public Tour Event
A public tour is scheduled from 12:00-1:30 on this date. This tour has reached capacity.
Alumni Event
Fromm ClubhouseThis event is for employee Alumni. During this event, we will begin recording oral histories and hold a social for the attendees.
N.F.P. Tour Date
This date is set aside for Not for Profit organizations to schedule a tour. Please contact FBHPS via our email to set up a tour. Time to be determined.
Wausau Area Chamber of Commerce
Fromm BoardinghouseThis is a private tour for the Wausau Area Chamber of Commerce.
Fall Sponsor Thank You Event
Fromm ClubhouseThis event is to thank our sponsors and supporters for 2019.
Spring Fund Raiser Event Canceled
Schmidt's BallroomThe Spring Banquet has been canceled due to COVID-19 and the CDC’s recommendation to discontinue events of over 50 people.
10:00 a.m. Public Tour Canceled
Due to Covid-19, the May 16 tour has been canceled.
Noon Public Tour Canceled
Due to Covid-19, the May 16 tour has been canceled.